so beautiful.
My Mom: The World Renowned Cockroach Assassin May 09, 2004
Happy Momma�s Day to all you Momma�s out there. Indeed. Have a great day of being pampered and such. Please do.

Topic inspired by: POY

Last Mother's Day we simply used the word 'Mom' as inspiration. This year I'd like to try something a little different because Mother's Day is looked at by so many angles. You may respond to all or one of the following.......

As a mom, what does/would Mother's Day mean to you? Do you have any expectations?

As a son or daughter, what does Mother's Day mean to you? Does your mom deserve a special day?

Share with us a special moment you've had with your mom.

As I daughter, of a fabulous mother (if I may say so myself), I believe that today is a very important day for all them momma�s out there.

Mother�s day is a day where every single momma out there can go and sit on the bum, while being pampered for being a mother.

And hey, they deserve it too.

They went through labor and all that excruciating pain, dealt with children like me for the past so and so years, and the whole time trying to keep their sanity.

My mom especially deserves a day like this. All that crap that I�ve said and done to her? Oh yeah. I�ve repeatedly say it often that my momma and I really don�t get along too well. We fight and we get all �grr� at each other, and it�s probably mostly my fault.

I usually egg her on.

Yeah. You know those people that stand on the sidelines of a fight, yelling at the people to keep it up and start cheering?

That�d be me.

And everyone, my mom has to deal with it�and she does. She�s dealt with it considerably well.

Even though we argue most of the time, there are still those special moments that only a mother and daughter can share. Like today, there was this HUGE MOTHER OF A ROACH in the bathroom and she called me over (because she knows I�m terrified of them) to see it. I see it and scream. My mom tries to scoop it up with toilet paper and the thing takes off running. I take off running as well and hop on the kitchen table freaking out. She finally catches it and I am saved.

My mother not only brought me into this world, but she saved my life from a huge man eating ugly little bastard of a cockroach.

It�s the simple things like killing a cockroach that makes me really appreciate having her around.

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� Danielley

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