so beautiful.
My great water adventure... August 09, 2003
Hey there everyone.

How ya guys doing?


I'm doing good....

I'm very happy happy : )



Well today, I was supposed to go and get my hair dyed at JC Penny at 1:30 p.m.

did that happen?


The reason...

It was raining freaking cats and dogs.

Heck, that's an understatment it...

It was raining elephants and giraffes. I couldn't even get into the mall parking lots(we tried all 3 entrances), because it was so flooded. Cars that were parked had water up to there windows and the owners of the cars were walking in waist deep water trying to get to there precious automobiles.

Poor people.

After we saw that we could not get into the mall, we had to go home...and boy...we left the house at 12:20 and we didnt get back until 1:00. AND WE NEVER GOT OUT OF THE FREAKING CAR!

It was horrible trying to get home. Alot of cars had stalled and were sitting there right in the middle of the was flooded so bad. I remember going over a very flooded area and every time that a car went past us, you could feel the waves of water going underneath you...

it was that bad.

But we saftly made it home, some people werent as lucky as us though. Everything is pretty much not flooded can actually drive down the road without fear of getting pulled away by the current.

Yeah...woo, I'm a survivor baby.

My parents and I just got back from the mall, because we wanted to see what it looked like since it was pretty bad this morning and I also still needed to get more clothes...but, it was sadly closed. Boo. And yet, there were still cars parked out there that were surrouned by water waiting for the tow truck man to come and save there cars from their watery graves...

I have a feeling those cars arent going to be working for a while.

Yup, I believe my's usually right.


Well, I was pretty pissed about not getting my hair dyed.

So, after we got home I promptly through one of my infamous tantrums...and got yelled at.

But my mommy came to the rescue...

She found another place to get my hair dyed...New York & Co.

woop woop.

Hanging with the new yorkers....

Ahaha. I actually was though.

The lady that was doing my hair was from New York...Brooklyn to be exact.

She was very nice, no trace of an accent what so ever.


I wanna hear that New York accent, babeh. I wanna try to copy it...just like I did with the British accent.

Why must I never get what I want???

Okay. That's a lie, I usually always get what I want...but why must I not be able to learn new yorker?

It's crap. crap. crap.


Well...back to the hair ended up looking....






















Just a tint of brown, but it's mostly black. It looks so good.

I feel like a new Danielle...

and dont worry everyone, the dye did nothing to my curls...

so yes, my curls do still resemble cork screws...

or curly cheetos.

I like the curly cheetos...they rock!

That's hair does too.


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� Danielley

So pretty

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