so beautiful.
101 things September 20, 2003
101 Things About Danielley

1.) I really do despise my middle name.

2.) I am insanely jealous of anyone who has musical talent.

3.) Baseball�s don�t like me.

4.) I got hit in the head with a baseball in the 7th grade. My best friend, Cassie, was the one who threw it.

5.)I think Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth make the cutest couple.

6.) He's such a cutie and she's so pretty.

7.) I'm okay with O/K! Aha.

8.) I am a true born hick. Born in Vineland, New Jersey.

9.) I still sleep with my baby blanket. I can�t sleep without it.

10.) I drool.

11.) I�m a daddy�s girl.

12.) My mother and I seem to fight a lot, but I still love her.

13.) I like money, a lot.

14.) I think ham is gross and anyone who likes it, is just as gross.

15.) I like to drink water.

16.) I don�t care if people think I am insane. They are right, why lie about it.

17.) I got out of my poetry writing phase last year.

18.) I want to be a magazine journalist, writing for Seventeen or YM.

19.) My mother loves to write poetry. She does it for fun.

20.) My grandparents are bible huggers and my two half sisters put the word �tramp� to shame.

21.) I hate lawn mowers.

22.) They are devil instruments that wake you so you can feed the chickens, but the dilemma is, I DON�T HAVE ANY CHICKENS!

23.) I don't have a favorite color.

24.) I have promised myself never to fall in love.

25.) I doubt I wont break the promise.

26.) I like the cold. I want to be an Eskimo.

27.) I think Spanish is the devil�s language. Spanish isn't so bad now.

28.) I think Geometry is the devil�s art. I actually, dare I say, enjoyed, geometry.

29.) I want my next pet to be another monkey from Japan cat.

30.) I love cats.

31.) I have two of them. Jasmine and P.J.

32.) My cat P.J. has a big chin. He�s know as Chin Lee.

33.) I think my cat was Chinese in his past life.

34.) I once had a turtle named, Alfredo or Alfreda. We didn�t know the sex, and I didn�t want to be the person to find out.

35.) We have a baby rabbit living in our back yard. I named him Mr. Snuggles.

36.) I think it�s cool how animals have wet noses.

37.) I want a wet nose.

38.) My favorite movie is The Wedding Singer.

39.) I love to read.

40.) I�m addicted to Harry Potter.

41.) I only eat with plastic eating utensils.

42.) When I was little, I used to eat cheese, ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise sandwhiches. Don't ask.

43.) I am determined to find my soul mate/true love.

44.) Me and my best friend, Cassie�s, birthday�s are 9 days apart.

45.) If it wasn't for the whole "blood relation" thing, Cassie and I would practically be twins. We look alike, act a like, and I know what she is going to say before she's says it and vice versa. Weird.

46.) I�m 15.

47.) I act half my age.

48.) My birthday is May 23rd.

49.) I�m a proud Gemini.

50.) My favorite scent is Pear Berries. It is a mixture of pears and strawberries.

51.) I�ve had a different principal every year from 5th grade to 9th grade.

52.) I like the older Blue�s Clues better than the newer ones.

53.) The guy off of the new Blue�s Clues eyebrows� scare me. I WANT STEVE BACK!

54.) I�ve only seen snow once, but I loved it.

55.) I don't have any type of preference of music. I can listen to anything.

56.) I�m addicted to Easy Mac and Clausen Pickles.

57.) A little while after I was born (couple months), my dad washed all my hair off.

58.) I still have my first ever stuffed "animal" called No-no. It's species is unknown.

59.) I literally was dropped on my head as a child.

60.) I still watch Barney. Only for the songs though. : )

61.) When I get older I want a room with padded walls. Seriously. I want to staple pillows onto my walls. I think it would look neat.

62.) I also want a canopy bead.

63.) I am determined to become rich and famous before my cousin, Sammy (it's not like we every will).

64.) My cousin thinks he�s slick, but he�s not.

65.) Sammy wants to marry my best friend, Cassie.

66.) I wont allow it!

67.) I really wont.

68.) I find puppet shows rather stupid.

69.) I�m scared of ghost�s, spirits, anything supernatural.

70.) But yet, I want an Ouiji board.

71.) My two best friends have moved away.

72.) It sucks.

73.) I want my first car to be a black Punch Buggy.

74.) I�ve been to Orlando( Disney Parks, Universal Studios, Islands Of Adventure) more times than I can count on my fingers and toes together.

75.) I adore Winnie the Pooh.

76.) I think he's so cool.

77.) I think that Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, is going to regret accepting his job one day.

78.) I personally think he�s an idiot.

79.) I hate licorice.

80.) I like to take pictures.

81.) I have never been drunk or high.

82.) I am still a virgin.

83.) I plan on staying one until I get married. Abstinence is the way to go, right Cassie?

84.) I�ve actually sat and wondered why there is brail on drive up ATM�s.

85.) I am determined to be a princess. I just want the crown now.

86.) My favorite subject in school is English.

87.) I want to take over Afghanistan and build a castle in the desert with a moat. I just want the castle now.

88.) I used think world domination was cool when I was younger and much more stupid.

89.) I get entertained easily.

90.) Santa Claus freaks me out.

91.) Even though Santa Claus freaks me out, Christmas is still my favorite holiday.

92.) I don�t understand how people of different religions can live without Christmas.

93.) I don�t really have a religion. I believe in what I want to believe in.

94.) I used to hate giving out valentines on Valentines Day.

95.) It was too complicated. I wouldn�t be surprised if it caused a mid life crisis.

96.) My friend Holly and I once stalked an old man. It was fun.

97.) Once I turn 18, I'm getting out of Florida.

98.) And if I like getting out of Florida that much, my next move will probably be to get out of the U.S.

99.) I smile way too much. I even smile when I�m mad.

100.) My greatest ambition in life is too make people smile when they are sad or upset :)

101.) After I saw a raccoon get hit by a car, I cried and realized that the evil villains in the world are people who drive blue pick up trucks.

Read on to 102+ things about Danielley

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� Danielley

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