so beautiful.
A to Z, baby January 01, 2004
I got this off of Rachel�s Diary. Thanks.

A - Act your age? Umm�well, I�m 14, but I act half my age, so that would make me 7.

B - Born on what day of the week? A beautiful, sunny, Thursday.

C - Chore you hate? I seldom do chores, but when I do (it�s like once a year), it has to be washing the dishes.

D - Dad's name? N/A

E- Essential makeup item? Most definitely my black eyeliner, my gray/black eye shadow, and my mascara. They are essential beyond anyone�s imagination.

F - Favorite actor? Johnny Depp. He makes the movie seem almost real.

G - Gold or silver? Gold gold gold. Silver sucks!

H - Hometown? Vineland, New Jersey. Hickest place in the damn world. It�s quite the sad story.

I - Instruments you play? Not currently, although I do know how to play the violin.

J - Job title? Job? What�s a job? Just kidding. I am currently and unemployed 14 year old girl that will procrastinate getting a job until she is done procrastinating, which will probably be in about four years.

K - Kids? Yeah, I got about five. It�s a tad crowded in my mobile home. Aha. Kidding once again. I have no children, and I won�t until I�m married.

L - Living arrangements? My mami and papi.

M - Mom's name? N/A.

N - Needs�to go kill a cow for dinner.

O - Overnight hospital stays? Heck no. Hospitals have scared me ever since I saw that one episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

P - Phobia? Tons. Height, spiders, roaches, spiders, needles, spiders, worms, spiders, oh�and did I mention spiders?

Q - Quote you like? If God can work through me, he can work through anyone. - St. Francis of Assisi

R - Religious affiliation? I don�t have a religion. I believe in what I want to believe in.

S- Siblings? Two half sisters who are crack whores that I will be disowning when I get the chance.

T - Time you wake up? When I'm in school, around 6 a.m. On weekends 10 a.m. and after.

U- Unique talent? I can bend my thumb backwards. It�s coooool.

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? Squash. YUCK!

W - Worst habit? Biting my nails. It�s like a drug.

X - X-rays you've had? On my ring finger. I broke it�~sigh~

Y - Yummy food you make? It�s all about the Ramen Noodles and the Easy Mac, baby. Coincidentally, those are the only two foods I know how to make. Tehe.

Z - Zodiac Sign? Gemini

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� Danielley

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