so beautiful.
I've been googlised! February 29, 2004
I was bored and still am, so therefore, I googlised myself.

danielle is dead
Eh, wrong. Since I am currently breathing and pumping blood, I therefore conclude that I am still with the living.

danielle is presently upgrading this site email her for more info
I am?

danielle is too sexy
That's right.

danielle is the light of the world
Finally someone agrees with me.

danielle is beautiful
Aren't I?

danielle is an ex
Someone obviously doesn't know me that well, since I have been single my whole life.

danielle is racing
Racing what? A horse? Yes. A horse! High-ho-Silver! Yee-haw! Dadun dadun dadun dun dun...

danielle is now tucked away writing her new material
I like to write.

danielle is smart enough to know that it is best to get the "original 6" broken up
The truth is revealed, I AM SMART...enough do break up the original six, if I knew who they were.

danielle is a sassy little 13 3/4" sable & white bitch who thinks that everyone should stop and pet her
You know me so well...since I'm such a dog and all. I guess that ruins my whole theory of me being human after all.

danielle is here
No, actually, I'm there.

danielle is about 15 inches tall and is a soft rag doll dressed in a schoolgirl's blue plaid dress with a yellow collar and red piping around the waist
Not only am I an inanimate object, but I have a good fashion taste too.

danielle is a regular auxiliary pioneer
Who would of thunk?

danielle is now 9 years old and carlos is 8 years old
Actually, I'm 7 and who the heck is Carlos? I don't know a Carlos. Maybe he's my know, the one I don't know about.

danielle is now at work
Finally, someone knows me.

danielle is a member of nysta
Should I even wonder what nysta is?

danielle is sure that chuck is going to save the universe

danielle is a spoiled old lady who has become expert
Ahem, actually it's...danielle is spoiled who has become a old lady expert. Ahaha. I know the way they think!

danielle is an internationally renowned yoga teacher

danielle is being flown to prague as the sole performer at a special event which will follow with travel to paris
Paris is nice...

danielle is working at alec ramsay's stable
Stable? Sorry. I don't do stables.

danielle is asking for her freedom and has a sword and dagger held to the man
I guess my parents decided to start trusting me with sharp objects after all...

danielle is half english
Close, 1/8 if it matters.

danielle is a fierce warrior and has sworn to take up the mantle and wield the light to avenge her brother's death
If I only had a brain...ahem, brother.

danielle is a beautiful 28" artist porcelain doll
Aww...your making me blush.

danielle is willing to risk
her ability to talk to llama's, to save the world.

danielle is bust
Y! forgot the 'y'!

danielle is the tip of the iceberg by liz @ sf and oregon on thursday
The iceberg that put a whole in the titanic? So what your saying is that I am the reason all those people died? *looks left and right* I think we need to keep this our little secret.

danielle is good
I know.

danielle is gaining strength and heading west
I'm strong, because I'm woman. Hear me roar, grrr.

danielle is the moon

danielle is very soft
You know it.

danielle is "cosmic" bowling

danielle is the most recent addition to the wep staff
The wep staff? Okkkaaayyyy...

danielle is missing
Yes. I am missing. See that face on the milk carton? Yeah? That's me.

danielle is 15 years of age and is currently home educating
In 2 months and 21 days, half of this statement will be true.

danielle is a fitness model
Yeah right. That'll be the day.

danielle is in the room you can't help but hang on her every word
Tis true.

danielle is a lecturer who has specialized in the handling and safe movement of patients and other loads
I like to lecture.

danielle is almost 5 years old and we have been waiting ever since
And you cannot count.

danielle is a special product and sells to baby specialty stores
There you go with the inanimate object thing...

danielle is one of the few baby bedding companies that do the sewing in
I'm sewing retarded. Stop making me feel bad.

danielle is turning to the north this morning
The north is nice.

danielle is a category 1 hurricane on the saffir
Catergory 1? That's it? How about 5? I deserve catergory 5, no?

danielle is suddenly struck by the implications of this new

danielle is yet to decide on centerpieces
I once made a centerpiece out of a pine cone. It was a turkey.

danielle is one athlete who is incredibly thankful for the outstanding support staff members who work at the olympic oval
Yes. You staff members rock!

danielle is cracked
Don't we all know it...

danielle is the one i love
Aww. I love you too! Wait...who is this?

danielle is 18 years old and has graduated the norfolk agricultural high school
As it says, you unlike me, did not graduate from Norfolk Agricultural High School, which means that you cannot count.

danielle is playing the sandringham in sydney
Sandringham? And what the heck am I doing in Sydney?'s Steve Irwin. *looks left to right, steals a car and runs over him* That went well.

danielle is nothing but a servant girl

danielle is more than capable of taking care of herself and foresees this new development as a way to immerse herself in her work in order to try and heal some
Sure. Whatever you say.

danielle is pregnant with his child but she has elected to break off the relationship
I'm a dirty whore. Yes!

danielle is not most people
I know this. You know this. Next step is the world.

danielle is an orphan
Yeah. I'm the next Annie.

danielle is also a classically trained pianist who has studied the piano for the past 10 years
I'll be the next Beethoven...but without the whole being deaf thing.

danielle is on the books as having one of the most amazingly versatile and incredible voices around
If you are happy and you know clap your haaaannnnnn-, ahem. Sorry. Voice cracked.

danielle is and who took her
Yeah. That makes perfect sense.

danielle is in good hands now
And I wasn't before?

danielle is picking apples
I'm an apple picker. Yes! No more corn!

danielle is a 13 year old from maine
Dude, you seriously need to go take a visit to Norfolk Agricultural High School where I learned how to count.

danielle is also known as 'little miss sunshine'
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray...

danielle is also hearing impaired due to a hospital drug overdose as a baby
I hope I sued the hospital.

danielle is not really of noble birth
Yes I am! How dare you impugn my nobleness!

danielle is a booger
That's the best insult I've heard in years.

danielle is a jazz singer
I don't like jazz.

danielle is doing research with dr
Jykll and Mr. Hyde. They cool.

danielle is certified by the federal law enforcement training center
I'm certified!

danielle is/has been
a tomatoe trainer. They can get out of hand.

danielle is the captain of my team
Yes. I am Captain Danielle.

danielle is much too cocky and chiarra is a snake
I'm conceited and I have a snake. I don't think my life good get anymore exciting.

danielle is wonderful in everyway

danielle is a 3
Damn. I thought I was a 2.

danielle is home
I am. You want to come over?

danielle is an author
Not yet. But someday I will be!

danielle is a pretty 21 year old strikingly tall escort with a
theory that Peaches are mammals. I'm just going to quit with the counting thing. You either obviously know you can't count, or you just don't care.

danielle is on her way to hide in the "girls bathroom" to drink her vodka
"Girls bathroom" quote unquote? You make me out to be such a whore and a drunk.

danielle is alive
First you say I'm dead, now you say I'm alive. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

danielle is all of that & then some
I am definitely 'and them some'. Woo.

And that's it...thank you google for taking an hour of my boredom away. You rock!

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� Danielley

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