so beautiful.
The Airport Escapade Part I January 03, 2004
Today my grandparents go back up to New Jersey. In about an hour a 10 minutes we will be heading towards the Tampa International Airport where I get to spend over 4 hours in the freaking lobby because of all the new security.

Oh goody. I feel the fun coming. Not really. Last time, I was bored out of my mind, and Cassie was even there. The highlight of my stay at the airport, was the eating Burger King French fries.


So I am off to go get ready for this grand adventure, where I will eventually end up trying to kill myself because of the boredom, and the temptation of those delicious Burger King French fries calling me, in which I can�t have.


The Airport Escapade Part I takes flight, right about now. No pun intended.

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� Danielley

So pretty

miz graphics!