so beautiful.
achievement not accomplished November 14, 2003
I know, I know. I just updated, and I am committing the crime of having multiple entries for today.

As I, Danielley, was reading Cassie's profile, she said that I am funny. Woo. Is that girl on some major crack. I guess her crack whoring business is going well...

Yeah. Let's hope so. We all know how cheap Cassie is. The girl that won't spend more than 20 bucks on a pair of pants. Cheap-o, indeed.

I usually write about my days and how the utmost hilarious things tend to happen to me...well, the bad part is, nothing has happened to me.

Oh, wait. I've got something. It's another reason to dislike my bus driver. Maybe she was dreaming about her fried chicken, but two days ago she completely missed my bus stop and I had to walk about 20ft further than usual.

Whoa...those 20ft were the most strenuous things ever. I felt as if my legs would fall off and die. That just shows how much my big bum is out of shape. Heh. : )

I suffered and then I recovered from such an incident. So from now on, I sit up in my seat higher than usual to get my bus drivers attention.

She hasn't missed my bus stop since...

Although it's only been a day since the incident happened.

I haven't achieved anything, have I?


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� Danielley

So pretty

miz graphics!