so beautiful.
Just have a little faith in me... December 03, 2003
Yesterday, my journalism class interviewed me as a project. One question they asked me was, �What has been the most life altering experience that has happened to you?�

My reply was, �When my three best friends moved away. I learned that things happen, and you can�t really do a thing about it. Don�t ever take anything for granted.�

I sat talking to my dad, crying my eyes out about 5 minutes ago. I got told that Cassie wasn�t going to be able to go the concert. It hurt. Oh God yes�it hurt me so much. I have been having such a hard time lately.

You know, a silly concert isn�t nothing to be upset about. But there is something behind it. When Cassie moved, I knew this was going to happen. I had already lost Holly and Breann�and once Cassie stepped into her dads car, I knew that things would never be the same.

I got back online, and I was told that Cassie can now come to the concert. I�m happy about it.

But it was the fact that�it seemed�that�I had lost my best friend there. I have no one now a days. No one. I feel so alone at times�just so alone. I wonder what will become of me. I�ll go to the concert and have a fabulous time. See my grandparents and love every minute of it.

But once Christmas break ends, things will go back to the same old same old.

My friends and family are my life. Nothing can ever beat that 8th grade year. I�m living in the past, and it�s time to move on.

I can�t wait until the concert�I can�t wait. It will be the best day of my life. I am looking forward to it.

Smiling is what Danielley�s do.

And smiling is what I am doing now.

So it�s safe to say I�m over my little tantrum. I�ll be fine. I always will be. I�ve been through a lot, and I�ll go through much more. Just have a little faith in me. I'll make it through.

I guess this is what being a teenager is like�



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