so beautiful.
The Indiana Gal March 22, 2004
I am currently getting my hair braided by Breann, who finally arrived from Indiana last night. Woop. I enjoy getting my hair braided, since I am the one not doing it for once.

I am overjoyed that Breann is here! I missed her so much, and it's good to have one of my best friends visit me for Spring Break.

Breann has changed a lot since last time. I knew she would, but you just don't believe it until you really see it, you know?

Her personality has changed from semi-quiet gal, to flirty gal...but yet, she is still the Breann I love!

Today, Breann and I went swimming at the pool, and after only two hours (count em'...two) I got sun-burned.

I am Danielley the walking lobster.

And no, I do not taste good with butter.


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� Danielley

So pretty

miz graphics!