so beautiful.
The Pillsburry Dough Boy is fat, but I don't see anyone complaining about him. February 19, 2004
As I was getting ready this morning, I was listening to the radio and a conversation caught my attention. They were talking about obese children, or pretty much all around fat kids. It got into a pretty heated debate.

The first person (the one who runs the radio station) was saying that schools should make healthier food and have more physical education.

The lady she was debating with works for the School board and was saying it wasn�t entirely their fault there was so much obesity in today's world.

Here�s my opinion. I believe kids should be able to eat whatever they want to eat. If they are happy with the way they appear than so be it. I admit, I�m not the skinniest gal in the world. When I was little, I was over weight. I hated physical education and never really cared how much I ate.

Sure, people made fun of me, but in the end, it only made me stronger. I eventually filled out though and I am the size I am today. I�m not huge but I�m not skinny. I�m medium size and I�m happy with it.

People just have to realize kids will eventually fill out. Some may stay big forever, some may not. If a kid really has a problem with the way they appear then they can do something about it.

People like the radio host disgust me. It�s as if she believes that everyone in the world should be perfectly skinny. No. God made everyone different for a reason.

Who cares what you look like as long as you are content with yourself.

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� Danielley

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