so beautiful.
Socks, mighty socks. May 27, 2004
Topic Inspired by: POY

My mom would ask; "It didn't just get up and walk away on it's own now did it?" My dad would claim; "The dryer ate it." You all know what I'm talking about. That one lost sock. I actually keep a bag full of odd socks with the hopes that their matching others will return one day, even though, they rarely ever do.

Now here's a topic that's wide open for some fun creativity. Where's the missing sock(s)?

Socks often go missing. It�s a fated thing. You can�t stop it from happening. Sorry.

But here, yes, right here in this exact diary, is how the socks end up missing.

Some people, like myself are messy. When the clothes are finished washing and drying, I nicely, put them on the floor over in the corner, too lazy to hang them up. That is the perfect opportunity for your socks to forcefully get taken away.

Little elves (their Santa�s of course, what else do you think they do after they are done making toys and have all that free time on their hands), come in through the night with bundles of socks waiting to take yours.

They only take one sock from your collection, of course, just to piss you off. How would you feel if during the whole year you had to sit, making toys for selfish little children? They want to make you go insane (for searching and searching for that one stupid sock), just because they hate you. It�s their revenge.

Well, by only taking one sock, from each person in your household, they safely have enough socks to take the bundles of socks to the unsaid Sock company and give the socks back to them. The unsaid Sock company takes the socks, tears them apart, and sews them back up. That is where you come along, with a missing sock, having to buy a whole new packet of socks because you have lost just one of your pair.

Now, this is where you ask yourself.

Where have your socks been?

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� Danielley

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