so beautiful.
Bring on the soup. I'm ready. January 22, 2004
Tomorrow I get to go to the Salvation Army to serve soup to the homeless. I personally don�t want to go, but it�s mandatory�and I would feel horrible if I didn�t go. I really love to help people.

On a better note, my addiction to American Idol� has returned. There is just something about Simon using his wit to insult people that turns me into a laughing fool for a whole hour.

Although Simon can be quite harsh, many of those people deserve what he says. I don�t know who told them they could sing, but they got lied to horribly. Poor people�

Oh well.

Oh, and if everyone could do me a favor and sign my guestmap, it would be appreciated. Don't ask why...I'm just a loser like that.

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� Danielley

So pretty

miz graphics!