so beautiful.
To all the veterans: November 11, 2003
I still remember the day, September 11th 2001, clearly. I remember what I was doing, I remember what class I was in, and I even remember what I was saying to someone.

September 11th is a day that will be reserved in my mind for the rest of my life. I shall store the memory deep with in my brain, as a long lasting reminiscence to the people that had their lives taken away so tragically.

Today is Veteran�s Day. A day where we devote our hearts to the survivors of wars and battles of the past.

My own grandfather was a survivor of the Korean War, and I would have wished to wish a good Veteran�s Day if he was still with us. I�ve always wanted to ask my grandfather what war is like. When you read about war in History books, or some other source, you don�t actually know what truly happened.

You don�t know how the people in the army felt as they new they might die that day. You don�t know the exact amount of fear they went through every single day. We truthfully don�t know anything.

It takes a lot of willpower to get into the Army and fight for your country. It is something that I would never dream of doing, since I am not as brave as those veterans. They deserve our gratitude, because without them, who�s knows if America would be still standing today.

Without today, I am betting that all those war heroes would have gone unnoticed by everyone�and even though we still have a special day for them, yet they still get overlooked.

But as long as Veteran�s Day still happens to exist, I will remember them.

The veterans have one supporter looking out for them, and although I am one person, one person is always better than none.


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� Danielley

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