so beautiful.
Disclaimer November 26, 2003

You will judge me. Don't try to say you won't, when you will. You will form an opinion, whether or not I agree with it. You might be a person who reads one sentence of this diary, and automatically hates me. You might be a person that once you read for a while, you realize that you love the way I write. It's your opinion, and I can't change that.

And when you tell me what you really think of me, it will either hurt or make me feel better about myself. Either way, I will learn from what you have to say. Just remember, I am human like everyone else. If you hit me in the head with a baseball, it will hurt. By all means, I know this. If you give me a compliment, it will make me smile, of course.

Just remember, my life has changed. I am not the person I used to be. I had a reality check...and Lord, it was huge. I regret what I said in the past...but I have to keep those entries, just in case one day I wish to look back on my stupidity.

I hope you enjoy what you read. If not, good luck in the future, with trying to find something first-class to rid your boredom with.

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� Danielley

So pretty

miz graphics!