so beautiful.
Houston, we have bats. October 03, 2003
My last entry particularly came out of no where. It was just a thought that I had extracted from my oblivion, and I felt like posting in my diary, just like a sticky note.

If you have ever thought about the invention of the sticky note, you would praise who ever made it up. It truly is one of the best inventions beside the cheez-it and the internet�and the light bulb, and the TV and the computer�and everything else in the world that I put to use everyday.

Today, was one of those days where you just want to strangle anyone and everyone who was not feeling like you.

Which was pretty much the whole student body, and my English teacher, and my bus driver.

Well, why don�t we expand on those two last people who succeeded in making my day, more possibly worse than usual.

Mrs. Alvarez, a.k.a. my English teacher, is considered an obsolete old hag, by yours truly. Today, I was supposed to get my 3 beautiful t-shirts for SGA (student government advisory), but she being her slow dimwitted self, would not let me go. Well technically, she did, but she only gave me five minutes to do so. Now let me tell you something, it takes me 5 f�in minutes to get from the 800 wing to the 700 wing, because my fat ass can�t move fast enough, and then you add another 5 minutes to get the t-shirts, and then another 5 minutes for me to walk my fat ass back to the 800 wing.

A total of 15 minutes.

Mrs. Alvarez was close� if only she added 10 minutes.

Now, not only did I have bad luck with my English teacher, but my bus driver�sweet holy inventor of the cheez-it! I was not feeling good the whole day, and my lovely ole bus driver decides to take a different route for today. Instead of me being the first person home today, I was the last. I am at lost for words right now, just thinking about it has made the blood inside my veins almost self combust. Sounds disgusting, I�ll get off the subject now.

Well also before my day turned hideous (it was ugly after the whole incident with old hag), we had a pep rally. Woo�.let�s go Seminoles! I don�t know if we won the game or not, because I was conveniently not there. The game was against our oldest rivals, the Palmetto Tigers. Last week they played the Manatee Hurricanes and the Hurricanes got completely killed.

Which means, we got slaughtered once more.

Boo, you stink.

I have meaning to tell everyone about the bat invasion at our school. Seriously. Our school has over 5,000 bats in our Auditorium.

Sad, isn�t it?

Our school is already poor, just think of how poor we are going to be after this�

The worse, hast just gotten worst.

Anyone want to submit any donations?

Please? pretty please with sugar on top?


Don't help the poor school. I hope you can live with your conscience. Haters.


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� Danielley

So pretty

miz graphics!