so beautiful.
My foot is a bastard. March 10, 2004
My foot fell asleep during homeroom while we were taking the NRT (nation wide test).

My foot fell asleep as my biology teacher drowned on and on about dinosaur foot prints.

My foot fell asleep while walking out side during my 3rd period, so instead of walking around like a normal human being, I had a gimpy leg.

My foot fell asleep in Spanish class. This sentence gets no specific time.

My foot fell asleep when I got home.

My foot is asleep right now.

My foot is a bastard and if it didn�t hurt to cut off my foot or have a nub in replace of my foot if I did, I would have no foot.

By the way, if you are one of those weird people that come to my diary looking for humor, take a gander at this and laugh your ass off as I did.

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� Danielley

So pretty

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