so beautiful.
Crash and his red bicycle go to the Military Ball April 08, 2004
Tonight is the Military Ball, and it seems that everyone is going except for me. Everyone is getting ready at this exact moment and I can just imagine they are all extremely happy and excited.

It is my fault I'm not one of those people getting ready. I decided not to go.

One reason was because how much it was going to cost. I know I'm not one to worry about money, because I don't, but I hate to keep on taking from my parents. I may not seem like I have feelings with my parents money, but I do. I cringe every time I need to by something, but I have to buy it because the need to have to takes over.

I'm spoiled rotten, and I admit it. I've grown up with just about everything I've ever wanted, besides one of those kid size electric Barbie cars that you could drive around. But when those came out, I was too old to have one.

I just hate to spend all that money, after everything I have been asking for. I just got new carpet for my room, and my Birthday is coming up in May, and I know for a fact that I will be getting this $300 ring that I have been eyeing for a while. There was no way I was going to spend all that and more.

And also, I just had this gut feeling that I shouldn't go. Something was telling me I would have the worse time of my life if I did go to the Military Ball. And usually my gut feelings are right.

Like this one time, my dad and I were riding around my neighborhood on my brand new bike, and I was told not to ride on the sidewalk because the corner was coming up and I could hit someone who was coming the opposite way. Well, I didn't listen, and once I got to the end of the sidewalk I tried to stop because I knew something bad was going to happen and something bad did happen.

So, I hit an old man with my bicycle.

It was accident, I swear it. He wasn't hurt, thank the lord, but I was spotting a nice cut knee the next day.

But...that's not the point. I knew something horrible was going to happen to me, if I went tonight. My gut instinct told me so. Oh well. I'll just be able to finish my Biology homework I have been procrastinating upon.

Oh, and my parents nicknamed the old man I hit Crash.

I bet he's still terrified of me until this very day. Every time he sees me, he probably screams girlishly and speeds faster down the road on his red bicycle.

Now you all know why my parents are terrified of letting me start driving.

Crash will probably piss himself after he hears I'm on the road.

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� Danielley

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