so beautiful.
Memories December 17, 2003
I await Christmas vacation very impatiently, but yet, I wish it won�t come.

This year of school will be ending soon, and I will have to say good-bye to more friends. I will not cry, because I have shed too many tears in the past.

I will move on and remember each day and cherish it. I will see those people again. I will pass them in the hall, wave, and smile back upon those memories.

This year, has been one of the best years to ever befall. I have grown up more than I can ever imagine, and I have recognized the enjoyable things in life.

Never will I hesitate to say that I live a wonderful life. The memories of the past may revisit me, but instead of grimacing at them, I will smile upon them.

Memories are the most precious things you can ever receive.

And I will value mine forever.

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� Danielley

So pretty

miz graphics!