so beautiful.
Soup of Amnesia - POY April 18, 2004
Soup of Amnesia

Topic inspiration from POY: The Chinese believe in reincarnation, and that when you die, you'll have to cross a bridge, and on that bridge, there are many people, and they represent the levels you have to pass through.

There is one person who is an old lady. She is in charge of making a soup [more like a potion...] to give to the souls to drink, so that they can forget everything. Sad memories, happy memories, embarrassing memories, sweet memories... all your memories.

Would you drink that soup? If yes, what are the things that you want to forget? Explain why.

If no, explain why.

After living these simple fourteen years of my life (almost fifteen), I would, without a second thought, keep my memories and screw over that stupid concoction�who knows what�s in it anyway. But that�s not the point.

Most, I think, would get rid of their memories�but me? No.

I�ve had bad memories, but the good always overrule them.

I have unpleasant memories of my mother and I fighting, but then, I just think of the simple things that have happened, like watching a movie together and laughing, that puts the fighting in the back of my mind.

I have unpleasant memories of Holly, Cassie, and Breann moving away, but then, all the good times that happened, come back, and I start to smile again.

I have unpleasant memories of the 8th grade summer, but then the 8th grade year comes around and beats the crap out of the 8th grade summer and it�s put back into my oblivion, without a second glance.

The good times always override the bad. It�s like the good versus evil�good always wins. Where there are sad, lonely, teary eyed, depressing memories, laughing and smiling memories take their place.

It�s better to have something, than nothing at all. Memories are the most precious objects in the world. Whether bad or good, they still stand as the only thing that you have left once you pass on to wherever you go.

And plus, these memories are mine! Mine. All mine. I have sharing issues, so back off my memories, old lady. I wouldn�t give them up for the world.

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� Danielley

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